Jobs…somehow evolved it into an art form.
- 12 October 2012, 14:13
Jobs…somehow evolved it into an art form.
“Once you get a lot of people under one roof, the emergent property seems to be crap. No matter how great the people are, no matter how wonderful their individual ideas are, the net effect is shit.”
>There’s much debate in minority communities about terminology and meanings, especially in those communities that are targeted for lots of hate speech. This article, and the comments, left me as unsure of meanings as before I read it. Sex...
Threw CH’IEN, The Creative, changing to WEI CHI, Before Completion. What’s interesting about that is they are the first and last of the hexagrams, so in essence my throw, full of changing lines, was a flight across...
Twas not always the case; tis a new idea that it’s possessive case gets no apostrophe.
>Ornae is a small crowd of artists, decorators and builders sharing a similar esthetic. We tend to whimsey and outright satire in our work. The art and environments you see on these pages were made to amuse ourselves, family and friends.